August 15, 2013

Back to school, to prove to Dad that I'm not a fool. - $25 CASH - #AnythingGoes August Giveaway Hop {8/15-8/29}

Welcome to the Anything Goes Giveaway Hop

Anything Goes Giveaway Hop
This event is hosted by The Review Wire and Review Wire Media.
All participating blogs will be offering a giveaway of at least $20. 

We all know it's that time of year, the little one's are heading back to school.
And, well...
This year I've decided it's time for me to go back to school as well,
I'm heading back to school to obtain my Bachelors Degree in Education.

Cue: Back to school. Back to school, to prove to Dad that I'm not a fool.

I'm hoping one day to become an art teacher...
but I'm assuming I'll have to teach another field before
getting my dream job just because art jobs are harder to find and that's perfectly fine!

I decided to "take a break" from school after getting married in 2008,
took a few classes since then but nothing serious.
This year I'm going back with a full course load, student loans, the whole nine yards.
I'm not going to lie, I'm a bit nervous.

I've  thought about being a teacher for years,
I even ran a home daycare for a year or so...
but never really decided on a DEFINITE career path.
I've always thought traveling the world
& doing just little odd jobs sounds like an incredible life.
That's not really realistic though.
I'm still wavering about my decision
because I know it's low pay and not the easiest job,
but I also know I want to make a difference
and I want to transform future generations for the better--
teaching is the best way I can think of to accomplish this.

So I'm wondering who my readers really are...

What do you "do"?
Do you really ENJOY what you do?
What made you decide that this was the right career path for you?
If you could be ANYTHING what would you be?

I know some of you are very private,
so I understand if you don't want to share...

But if you decide to share,
you can also enter to win $25 by using the GT form below!

So after you enter my giveaway make sure to check out what mystery giveaways the other blogs have to offer.
Also, head over to The Review Wire for the Grand Prize: a Gift Set from Keeki Pure & Simple that includes: 

Pink Lemonade Lotion ($14), a Cheecky Oragnic Lip Shimmer ($8) and a Rasberry Sorbet polish($10). 
A total Retail Value of $32!

Anything Goes event bloggers are not responsible for sponsors that do not fulfill their prizes. Companies and bloggers, if you would like to participate in group giveaway events like this one, sign up to be emailed about future events hosted by The Review Wire.


  1. What do you 'do'? I'm a SAHM

    Do you really ENJOY what you do? yes

    What made you decide that this was the right career path for you? Because I have four kids, and it is just what I always wanted to be. Doesn't hurt that it's what my husband wants me to be

    If you could be ANYTHING, what would you be? does rich count :D

  2. i am a Pilates instructor and love every minute of it. I wouldn't have it any other way!

  3. I'm a preschool teacher and nursery coordinator and I love it! I love making an impact in kids lives and I really feel like God lead me to where I am... If I could choose anything though Id love to be a stay at home mom and homeschool my kids

  4. I'm an rad tech and I love it

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I'm currently in nursing school, and loving it. Midwife would probably be my dream job. I'm loving it so far, and I think it was the right choice for me, even with the difficulties of having a baby while in school!

  7. I would love to get into the criminal justice system. Right now I can't get around physically.

  8. Honestly, I'm out of work right now. I hope to find a job.
    Thanks for the giveaway! =)

  9. I own a small booming business called The Hat Factory. I LOVE what I do with every fiber of my being because I get to crochet all day long! IF I could do ANYTHING in the universe, I would be a forensic pathologist. That's what I've wanted to do since 5th grade.

  10. I am an ultrasound technologist. Great pay,ok hours,but I don't love it. I would love to be a stay at home mom, but that's not realistic right now for our family.

  11. I'm a teacher. I always wanted to help children.

    abfantom at yahoo dot com

  12. Right now I am a delivery driver and I like it a lot. At this point in my life I feel just a job that isn't stressful is right for me!

  13. Right now I'm a stay at home mom. Before that, I worked in a office and loved it. In time, I'll go back to working.

  14. I'm a librarian! I really enjoy what I do; I help people find information and instill a love of learning! Honestly, I kinda 'fell' into the field. I was a teacher, then I realized I hated classrooms and liked the openness of libraries. Wish the pay was better, though. =)

  15. I would be a professional golfer I love the game considering how little I get to play I'm quite good that would be living the dream. Thankyou, ken

  16. I'm disabled and unable to work due to a heart condition, but if I could work it's always been my dream to run my own catering business.

  17. I am a retired active volunteer. I just want to volunteer forever.

  18. I determine whether people are eligible for chronic care medicaid. I enjoy what I do for the most part. It can be quite tedious at times.

  19. I'm a research psychologist, and I absolutely do love it -- I get to be creative and scientific, study questions that interest me and will hopefully positively impact society, and learn something new every day. My dream job would probably be a composer or film director, but I'm much better suited for the profession I chose!

    Geoff K
    gkaufmanss at yahoo dot com

  20. I am a stay at home mom. I love it most days.

  21. I'm a SAHM. I'm really into the pto at our elementary school so I spend most days there helping out. I'm honestly not sure what my dream job would be. thank you!
    crystalfaulkner2000 at yahoo dot com

  22. I am in HR for a home health care company and I really like it.
    jodysis at windstream dot net

  23. I haven't found what I loved yet :(

  24. I'm a software analyst/supporter/trainer. Yes, I truly love it, just wish there was a bit more work (self employed).

    sksweeps (at) earthlink (dot) net

  25. What do you 'do'? I work from home in sales

    Do you really ENJOY what you do? yes, I can make my own schudule and beable to attend field trips and have lunch with my son at school.

    What made you decide that this was the right career path for you? be able to be where my kids needed me.

    If you could be ANYTHING, what would you be? I really have not thought about it, when I was little I wanted to be a kindergarten teacher.

  26. I'm a lab tech and I do not like what I do. The job itself is ok but the company I work for is awful.
    I choose this career path because I loved science but didn't want to go to med school.
    If I could be anything I would be an actress.

  27. When I was in school I wanted to and had every intention of being a marine biologist, But I ended up working at my fathers auto body shop for 15 years (don't get me wrong I loved it-I was one of the few girls in the field and I was good), then I bounced around to a record store, managed a restaurant, did floral design...I just had some fun learning as I went. Now I work at the animal shelter-the hardest work I've every done-physically & emotionally, but the most rewarding. I'm 39 and still want to go to college, but now I just have to decide: what do I want to be when I grow up ' for the next part of my life?! :) If I could be anything I'd love to be an (adventurous) archaeologist-Indy style!

  28. Right now I am a nanny and it is ok. I want to be a Phys Ed teacher which is what I went to school for but haven't been hired yet.

  29. I just went back to work after raising the kids. I haven't worked in eighteen years, but I knew I wanted to work in the helping profession. I chose to become a certified clinical medical assistant and a certified medical administrative assistant. I love what I do and every day is something new. It is an exciting time in my life. If I could be anything in the world I would be Oprah lol I know that sounds silly but I would love to be able to change the world and make the world a little better for so many people like she has done.

  30. If I could be anything I would be a librarian

  31. If I could be anything I would be a librarian

  32. I do enjoy what I do. I'm a mommy and a graphic designer (freelance). I decided to take this job path because I really do love it and I'm naturally good at it. If I could have a dream job it would be to be a designer for a national magazine.

  33. I enjoy learning about holistic medicine, nutrition, and fitness. I am in school to become a Naturopathic Physician! I want to help people!

  34. My dream job would to be a vet.

  35. What do you 'do'? I'm an Admin Assistant

    Do you really ENJOY what you do? I do! I like having lots to do.

    What made you decide that this was the right career path for you? It's just where God has placed me and uses skills I have and enjoy.

    If you could be ANYTHING, what would you be? A holistic advisor!

  36. i'm an adm assistant at a university, like it okay, sometimes wish it was more challendging but i do get free time to look up blog giveaways, haven't decide if it is right career path yet. my dream job would be something to do teach budget/savings class, thanks!

  37. I am currently a stay at home mommy and military wife. I really enjoy cooking and spending time with my family. I worked since I was 16 and this is the first year I have ever stopped working to focus on my family. I do not regret staying home but I am looking forward to going back to school and work after I give birth. If I could be anything I would love to be a stay at home mom and be able to volunteer in my community.

  38. I'm still a student, but I'd love to be a software developer to make the next big thing that everyone would use.

  39. This comment has been removed by the author.

  40. Right now I'm not working. I was doing mostly factory work. I would have liked to have been a nurse.

  41. I used to do human resources until my parents became very sick. I was good at human resources and I enjoyed that I helped people with their careers, salaries, and benefits. Felt I made a difference.

  42. I am a SAHM and I love it!! I would have also liked to go into the medical field but I'm still young so we'll see!

  43. I'm an admin assistant and I like it but i don't love it. If I could do anything I would be a pro travel blogger.

  44. I'm a nurse and have been for 47 years. I enjoy what I do and am still working. I would not change my profession and my dad helped me decide what would be a good career choice. He was so right.

  45. I am a SAHM and I love every minute of it! Couldn't see myself anywhere else!

  46. I am a college student right now. There are days in which I hate school but I know that it will lead me to a better life later on

  47. I tutor a high schooler a few nights a week. I like it but his mom makes me nuts. I also work a few days a week in the home office of a lady who runs special needs programs. I like that too but could do without some of my coworkers there (I do love my boss though).

  48. I'm a data entry clerk. not the most exciting job nor is it what i've always wanted to do with my life, but it pays the bills. i'm not sure what my dream job would be

  49. I work at a grocery store, its not my dream job, though I do enjoy it from time to time, and as long as it helps support me and mine, then I can't really ask for too much more.
    Jennelle J

  50. I'm a blogger, I decided to do this because I'm opinionated and I knew I could help others. Sometimes, some days it is way too much work and I have to remind myself family comes first. But I'm sure many people feel this way. If I could be anything I'd be Batman, nah...I'd be Mrs. Tony Stark.


  51. I work in child care and love it!

  52. I do farming,I enjoy it some days, do this so I could stay at home with the kids. Would loved to have been a teacher or nurse.

  53. I work at a hospital as a medical transcriptionist. I want to become a full time mom. I know this will never happen though.

  54. I'm a student. I'm planning on becoming a nurse.

  55. I'm a wife, mother, grandmother, and avid gardener. I love every minute of it

  56. I love being a stay at home gal. I would love to work with my husband flipping houses.

  57. I work at a school district, but i would rather be doing something in the animal field...Vet tech or something like that.

  58. I am a mother and partner and run the household I would love a biologist job in the animal world

  59. I'm a transcriptionist (mostly medical). Do I really enjoy it? Sometimes but other times I don't.

    I decided this was the right career path for me because I LOVE all things medical and was accepted to take pre-med courses in high school...BUT life got in the way and then my immune system decided it was going to go on vacation 99% of the time. So this way I still am involved in medical things without the exposure to illnesses, etc.

    If I could be anything (and didn't have anxiety and extreme shyness issues) I would want to be a travel host. You know go around to different places and play a tourist and get paid :)

  60. I'm a secretary, definitely not what I wanted to be. I wanted to be a scientist working in a lab doing research - on anything. However, I do pretty much enjoy my job. I work with good people, my tasks include quite a bit of different things like handling the web page and designing some of the daily things that our customers see.

  61. I'm a librarian, and there are parts of it I love. Being around the books and people are wonderful, but the business side isn't so great. I work with some wonderful people, but that's not to say I wouldn't quit if I won the lottery. I'm happy where I am though.
    Sherry Compton

  62. I'm a blogger and SAHM. Which I enjoy! I decided to stay home with the kids so I could be with them during their childhood.
    If you could be ANYTHING, what would you be? Web Designer

  63. I am a SAHM. If I could be anything, I would be a surgeon!

  64. I work in a manufacturing plant. I like working there it has good benefits and the people are nice. I would like to open my own restaurant

  65. I'm currently a nurse. I honestly don't like it as much as I used to because of the stress. My dream career would be a SAHM.

  66. After getting sick last year (and getting laid off from my retail job), I've pursued a non-profit startup online, and I also freelance. Neither of which make nearly as much as a conventional "job", but I love it. The problem is that I turn 26 next year and I lose parental insurance coverage. My old retail job provided mediocre coverage, but there's no way I'm going back there. I've applied to a new job this year like once every other day, and I've only landed three interviews and no actual hire. I really really want to keep freelancing and doing stuff on my own terms, but realistically I might end up working at a coffee shop to get insurance -.-

  67. I am a Stay at Home mom,I love my job I don't make any money but get lots of hugs and kisses and get to see them grow and learn new things everyday.After all my kids are in school I do plan on working at a preschool that my kids attended that I love
    Jessica Cox

  68. What do you 'do'? Stay at home mom

    Do you really ENJOY what you do? sometimes ( I love the mom part, I miss working though)

    What made you decide that this was the right career path for you?

    If I worked, I'd basically be working just to pay someone to watch my kids for me.

    If you could be ANYTHING, what would you be? Honestly...I'd love to be in the circus doing aerial silks.

  69. I am definitely NOT in my dream job. I work retail and it sucks! I have an MA in a liberal arts that has no job openings in my area at the moment. I write in my free time, and I am trying to devote more time to that so that I can quit my job.

  70. I like photography. I feel its right for me because I get lost for hours in it and dont even realize it.

  71. I had a career for a long time, and stepped out to take care of the little one. I loved it. I happened into on accident, progressing from a receptionist job I'd gotten there years before and moving steadily forward to administration.

    If I could be ANYTHING, I'd be a travel blogger. ;)

  72. I'm a stay at home grandma and It's my dream job. I had to work when my boys were little, but am lucky enough now to be able to take care of my grandsons full time. We have to budget carefully, but it's all worth it.

  73. i always wanted to be a flight attendant since i was little

  74. This comment has been removed by the author.

  75. Currently I'm on disability, I worked in Quality Control as the Documentation Coordinator, handling all the documents in our plant. I also worked as a team leader for my team and Social Rec., along with other projects in our plant and working with home office on computer programs. I loved my job and if I could work would still be doing that. I also had a side job as a Party Planner/Baker of cakes and candies. I love all crafts and working on quilting right now, since I don't have much money coming in, I can't afford to do all the creations/projects that I used to make in all kinds of mediums.

    I graduated as a computer programmer in college in 1978, so my skills have not been as beneficial as they use to be. I worked for a few different areas and felt like my last position would have been where I stayed. I had a car accident in 1997 and have had 18 surgeries since then. The airbag shove my stomach up into my esophagus (due to a hernia I had already had). Long story short, with my 1st stomach surgery, I died in recovery was revived and staying in ICU for 2 weeks. Since then I found out I have gastroparesis and neurophathy. I also found out I have MS. I feel like God used the accident to slow me down enough to except it (if that were possible). So I take it day by day enjoy what I have been given another chance at life.

    If I could be anything, I would love to go back full time as a Party Planner and have a place to have childrens theme parties,along with baking. You never know my dream may come true. Sorry so long, sometimes I ramble.....

  76. I'm a stay at home mom. I love being with my kid, it's what I enjoy most in the world.

  77. I'm a stay at home mom - it's what I always wanted to be when I was younger and luckily we are able to afford it
    annabella @ centurytel dot net

  78. I have been a 2nd grade teacher for 19 years. I love my kids. The great thing about my job is that the people I work with (the students) change every year. So although it may always be the same game, the players are always changing.

  79. Currently I'm disabled, so no, I wouldn't want this for a career. ;) However, if I could be one thing, I think I'd be a relationship therapist.
    Michelle Tucker

  80. I'm an at home mom and I do love it. Honestly I don't think there is anything else I want to do right now.

  81. Photographer. I've always wanted to do this.

  82. I am a stay at home wife and mom.I do enjoy what I do and this is what I've wanted to be since I was little. If I could be anything I would like to be a doctor so that I could help people.

  83. Thanks for the giveaway… currently a healthcare administrator; would have loved to have been a college history professor !

  84. I am just a retail employee right now. I have not had an easy time finding a job, even with a masters. I'd love to be a criminologist.

  85. If I could be anything I would be a travel writer.

  86. I am a stay at home mom who is a deal blogger and I work as a quality search rater as well. I love doing both of these jobs. I chose to stay home to save money due to the high day care prices in my area. I started couponing and I decided to start my blog to "brag" about my savings lol and as I really was not making money doing that I decided to apply for some online jobs and then after 2 years I was offered an awesome job online!

  87. I'm retired and volunteer at the Denver Botanic Gardens giving tours. I love it!
    Thanks for the contest.

    slehan at juno dot com

  88. subscribe email: slehan at myway dot com

  89. I love my career, I am a special education teacher, though I am slowly (after fifteen years) getting burned out. It is not the children, it is the overload of paperwork and politics that comes with working in a small county. I feel there is not enough of me to go around, and be beneficial to my students.

  90. I'm a stay at home dad. I only started because I got cancer but I love it t. (Coreyolomon at gmail dot com)

  91. I'm a stay at home dad. I only started because I got cancer but I love it t. (Coreyolomon at gmail dot com)


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