January 2, 2014

Celebrating the New Year & an All New You Giveaway Hop {ends 1/20} #AllNewYou2014

It's time to Celebrate the New Year & an All New You 
with this giveaway hop hosted by LaurenPaints.com!

It's time to celebrate you and everything you are!
I'm happy 2014 is here
and I'm even more excited that my readers
have the chance to win two great prizes to celebrate!

I've decided to start to live a healthier life style this year,
as well as taking on more school credit hours this semester.
I also plan on becoming a foster parent this year.
Lots of big adventures in the near future,
for my blog and my personal life!
What kind of adventures do you have planned this year?

One winner will win a $100 Visa GC 
and another will win a $50 Sephora GC!

Use the GT form below to enter to win:

This event will run from January 3rd {12:01 am EST} through January 20th{11:59 pm EST}
Be sure to check out all of the other giveaways below, there are some GREAT prizes included:

Are you a store or company looking to participate in this Giveaway Hop Event?

Contact laurenpaintsflorida@gmail.com to discuss sponsorship opportunities.


  1. I have a 3 year old so we have lots of adventures planned. Trips to the beach, the zoo, the mountain and lots of fun trips to the park :)

  2. no plans for this year, no resolutions, yet

  3. I want to get a new job, preferably something in my field. I also want to get some of my work published.

  4. Going on a family vacation this year. Not sure where, but somewhere.

  5. Two things -- take a REAL vacation, for a change, and to finally write the book I've been thinking/talking about forever.

  6. Btw, I think your link for your Etsy page is incorrect. It keeps bringing up an error message (it has a period at the end of the name, so maybe that's why?).

  7. My resolution is to save more money, I'm looking forward to going on a vacation with my family this Summer.

  8. We are going to a beach in July 2014 for vacation. My New Year's goals are to stress less and hopefully lose some weight!

  9. I plan on becoming salaried at my job.. I also want to see a ton of concerts.

  10. I hope to travel somewhere tropical with my husband this year!

  11. No adventures planned yet. I don't typically make resolutions...just to always be nicer every year :)

  12. We are trying to purchase a house this year. And I would love a nice vacation this year.(also one of your etsy pages is not working correctly)

  13. I'll be studying hard and applying to nursing school in the fall! :D

  14. I broke my foot on New Year's Day, so my plan is to heal up and hopefully feel better soon!

  15. Nothing really planned for 2014. For 2014 I want to fix more healthy food for myself and my family

  16. I want to try for another baby and I want to lose weight!

  17. i plan to finish my master's degree in 2014, and my resolution is to do a better job managing my finances, thank you

  18. My adventures will be adventures of parenting! My goals in 2014 are to organize my house, lose weight, and save $2000. You know, the usual suspects.

  19. Nothing planned and no resolutions.

  20. For granddaughter Chloe who just turned 11. After months of being sick Chloe finally had a diagnoses. She went through 2 brain tumor surgeries bless her heart, while in recovery for only two days we found out she had to go through yet another surgery for her appendix . I love this little girl so much and she really needs some new clothes, i would just love to win this so i could put some smiles on a little girl that deserves so much. This is the first year we had know money for Christmas i didnt even rap one present this yr !Thanks for the give away bleesing all in the New Year !!...

  21. My resolution is to spend less and save more.

  22. My husband and I are going to try and go to Disney World

  23. I am travelling to New York and Greece! I am so excited!

  24. I want to make summer a vacation time , A cruise , a trip to the beach, and time in a pool!

  25. I have no adventures planned yet

  26. I'll be celebrating 20 yrs of marriage in 2014!

  27. The only adventures I have planned is I started a blog on 1/1 and I hope to make it into a place that people will enjoy going to and hopefully make it into a source of income since I cannot work due to back, hip, heart and diabetic issues. Also I hope that my fiance and I make our wedding plans and get married this year. I don't do New Year's resolutions.

  28. I don't make resolutions. I plan on spending alot of time with my new grandson

  29. Diet and exercise, the same ones every year.Deb P

  30. I'd love to take a trip this year to New Orleans!

    -Jen Haile

  31. I don't know if I have any adventures planned just yet, but my main new years resolution is to save money.

  32. My New Year's resolution is to eat healthier and move more. I really do need to take these resolutions seriously. I am disappointed in how much weight I have gained and how lazy I've become... :(

  33. I am homeschooling this year I don't believe I would be able to tolerate more adventure than that. My New Years resolution is to find a new house and move.

  34. No adventure planned other than the adventures that come with having 5 sons. I would like to try to take some more time for myself to do the things that I enjoy that I have not been doing like listening to music and reading.

  35. I'm planning a road trip with my best friend. My New Years resolution is to become a vegetarian.

  36. I plan on spending more time with my family and eating healthier.

  37. My new years resolution is to get my drivers license.
    in 2010 I was in a bad car accident with my 9mo old thanks to a driver texting wihle driving. almost killed my son and i haven't driven since. But I will get over my fear and I will get my license this year!

  38. to be a better person
    aka midgeknows@rogers.com

  39. I want to drink more water and get a six pack.

  40. I plan to see more of my home state and I resolve this year to be a better Christian.

  41. We plan to travel a little. Maybe Virginia Beach or Disney Land:) My new years resolution is to work out 3 times per weeK:)

    jmatek AT wi DOT rr DOT com

  42. For 2014 I would like to travel more and to run more :)

  43. No big adventures but my goal this year is to become much more organized!

  44. new years resolution is go to adkins, go to the gym and develop a routine.

  45. I think my adventure will be getting a job and updating my apartment. Thats also my resolution for the year.

  46. My adventure will be raising my two month old daughter and watching her grow! Resolution--lose the muffin top!

  47. My New Year Resolutions is to have a house!

  48. I plan to buy a car, move to a new house and to lose weight!
    Nicole Carter on the form

  49. I'm really hoping my husband can get a new job, that we'll find a house, and that I can get (at least somewhat) more organized!

  50. new years resolution: to be the best mom i can be!

  51. my resolution is to work out 3x/week!

  52. No plans yet but I want to lose 45 pounds and wish that my hubby and I three wishes come true for us.

  53. I intend to go back to school

  54. I would love to go on an Anniversary getaway with my husband this summer. I'm sure I will have lots of fun with our children this year too. I might start doing preschool too.
    One of my resolutions is to continue on my quest to be trim and fit.

    -Hannah Avery

  55. My goal this year is to get a job and in the process of working get my back finally treat by the pain specialist, continue physical therapy. Be a more active mommy to my three kids, and save up so that I can finally take them to a theme park. I think they really want to go to Legoland since its closer, maybe even the new water park. That is my goal for this year.

  56. Nothing planned yet. Hopefully I will heal my injuries.

  57. We have more plans to spend time at our little place in Key West & fix it up. I also plan to do another Color Run and hopefully attend a blog conference this summer!

  58. wanting to get healthy with some weight loss and off to Hawaii

  59. My resolution is to get up and exercise a lot more.

  60. I'd love to buy a home in 2014.

    Desiree Dunbar

  61. I'm going to Florida for a few weeks and I want to lose weight this year. Then I planning on going out west when my grandchild is born.

  62. My resolution is to let go of grudges and to be a better person..I plan to do more crafts this year...Thanks for the giveaway chance.

  63. My son received a family year's membership to the Indianapolis Children's Museum for Christmas from my parents so one of my resolutions is to take him as many times as possible! My other resolution is to schedule my first mammogram since I am turning 40 this year! Thanks for the chance to win!

    luckyemerald8107 @ yahoo.com

  64. I really don't have any big plans and I didn't make any resolutions.

  65. I don't like adventures! I like a nice, calm, steady life - no major ups or downs. (Had way to many of both!). But I would to see my daughter get married in April.....some problems with that, I hope it turns out well for her! That's new year resolution - to see her finally happy! scain54(at)aol(dot)com

  66. to get healthy n organized around here

  67. I'm taking my final test to become a certified kinder teacher next month..

  68. My resolution is to go gluten free and I'm still going strong.

  69. My goal is to swim three times a week.
    Thanks for the contest.

    slehan at juno dot com

  70. subscribe emails: slehan at myway dot com

  71. I hope too start a new career plus get married in May plus go to Florida & Georgia see my friends

  72. I am very much looking forward to the family reunion we have planned for July. It will be incredible to have all of our family together.

    I started writing a screen play and a novel over five years ago. I am determined to finish both of them and get them submitted to a producer/publisher.

    Thank you for the super giveaway opportunity.. Keep up the terrific blogging.

  73. travel!! I'm going with my boyfriend to Colombia :)

  74. I am having baby #2 in March!!

  75. I have no adventures planned, and my resolution is to be more organized.

  76. My 2014 goal is more play dates for my daughter and to take better care of my self. I realized I put everything I have into being a mom and that I need to take care of myself too.

  77. For 2014, I would like to get my bead and painting rooms reorganized. and get more physical activity!! I need to take better care of myself.

  78. I have two cruises planned for this year, a Western Caribbean in March and a Panama Canal crossing (Los Angeles to Miami) in October. So lots of adventure on those! I also bought a groupon to go skydiving. We were supposed to go on my birthday (Jan 5) but they were out of appointments the day that we could go, so we will probably go sometime in February.

  79. we plan on seeing some more national parks.
    I don't do resolutions.

  80. We we are hoping to visit Disneyland this year to see Cars Land. As for resolutions, I don't have any specifically for this year but just for FROM NOW ON... To remember that every argument for fight or disagreement is the result of the people involved NOT GETTING WHAT THEY WANT. when everyone takes responsibility for their heart, then the disagreement can be resolved.

  81. My New Years resolution is to spend less!

  82. This year, my goal is to save my family money with sweepstakes, samples, and coupons! :D

  83. I have an adventure to California planned here in a few months. We are really looking forward to it!

  84. this summer we're going to Disneyland and the beach

  85. My New Year's resolution is to be more empathetic & accepting of other people.

  86. My resolution is to join our local gym, become more active and lose forty pounds.


  87. I am subscribed to both emails listed in the giveaway but can not click on the button to confirm that as the big red Pinterest button will not allow me to claim those entries. I have tried refreshing, going around them, quick, slow but it just wont allow it.


  88. My resolution is to exercise more!


  89. i started this year out in the hospital, so my goal is 'health' first and foremost!

  90. We will be seeing some comedy shows. My resolution is to live healthier and happier.

  91. I'm planning a trip to New York City

  92. We dont have any adventures planned yet but my resolution is to better manage our family's finances.

  93. My new years resolution is to start exercising regularly.

  94. My adventures planned for 2014 include taking my 4 kids on various fun excursions to places like fairs and the beach (the 4 kids include a baby who will be a year old in March and an 8 year old with autism, so that's about all the adventure I can handle!)

  95. I'm going to try to be less anxious and more happy this year :)

  96. No planned adventures. No resolutions but rather goals to continue lifting/exercising 5-6 days a week and lose fat and gain muscle.

  97. I have no adventures but my resolution is to exercise more

  98. I don't make resolutions because resolutions get broken. I have however started eating better and exercising. I have no idea what adventures await me this year, but I am ready to embrace them

  99. my resolution is to tone up

  100. my new year resolution is trying to be a better person

  101. I plan on going on a cruise for my Birthday


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