September 14, 2015

You're Invited: Caposaldo Wine Girl's Night Twitter Party

Who likes to party? I know I'm not the only one!

Love a delicious glass of wine after a long, hard day?

Love being pampered and enjoying a little girl talk in the process?

Today's discussion and the discussion on Wednesday are sponsored by One2One Network and Caposaldo Wines, regardless all opinions expressed  are my own.
Go ahead and grab your planner + pencil in GIRL's NIGHT IN
on Wednesday, September 16th at 9pm EST.

It's going to be so much fun!

Now that you've added the event to your calendar, I'm guessing you want all the details on this upcoming shindig - This fantastic little girl's night in is actually going to be a twitter party with Caposaldo Wines, Kendall Rayburn, and myself.

Don't forget to RSVP for the event so you have the chance to win 1 of 6 $50 gift cards or 1 of 4 of the Grand Prize Home Spa/ Girls Night Packages!

That means that you'll want to have a nice, adult-sized glass of Caposaldo wine ready for Wednesday evening (find a bottle in your area with their store locator) as well as your prettiest party dress or your comfiest night gown! Since Caposaldo is the benchmark of Italian wines and comes in all of your favorite varieties, I promise you won't be disappointed in the spirits and Kendall and I will supply all the girl talk fun - this is a twitter party you won't want to miss!

While we have a ton of fun planned, I suggest you add some throwback tunes, a comfy couch, and your favorite finger foods to the mix as well. I'll be honest and reveal that I'll definitely be sitting back on my couch listening to the Spice Girls in my comfiest night gown with all my favorite foods and, of course, a nice glass of the delicious bubbly Caposaldo Sweet Sparkling Peach!

I literally can't wait to share all the fun Kendall, Caposaldo, and I have been planning! It's going to be a blast! So I'll "see" you Wednesday, with my wine glass and my cell phone in hand!

When: 9/16/15 at 9pm EST
Where: Twitter under the #Caposaldo hashtag
Who: Kendall Rayburn, Caposaldo Wine, and Yours Truly
Prizes: 6 $50 Am Ex Gift Cards and 4 Grand Prize Home Spa / Girls Night Packages
Must be a US resident to win!

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