September 21, 2016

7 Tips For Living a Healthy Lifestyle with a Baby!

Leading a healthy life with a newborn can be difficult at times. I've heard all kinds of tips like "sleep while they are sleeping", "you can eat anything while breastfeeding and you won't gain", "you can't go out of the house until your baby is 6 weeks old", etc. While I'm certain every bit of advice has come with good intentions, I've come to realize living a healthy life with a newborn is kind of a "winging it" thing and you do what works for you.

Since I've kind of made my own healthy living plan with Delainey, I thought I'd share what works for both of us. I think it's great that I have so many people in my life willing to help me find our way in the world, so here's my two cents on how you can live a healthy life with a baby in tow.

Life with a baby can be exhausting and chaotic, but so incredibly rewarding! Find out how you can still take care of yourself and lead a healthy lifestyle... #SnackBrighter

1. Go with the less is more approach - We went overboard buying gadgets and dohickeys to make sure our daughter would be content... Now that she's here, I've come to realize she really didn't need nearly as much as we have for her. With two swings, a bassinet, a Rock & Play, a Pack & Play, and more, I feel like we could open an orphanage and still have space left for little one's to relax. I'm super happy we had enough to provide all these amazing things for her to choose to chill in, but I know with our next baby (yes, there may be another - at some point) we will be more of minimalist. If you're currently expecting, take a look at your registry and make sure you really need/want everything on there!

Life with a baby can be exhausting and chaotic, but so incredibly rewarding! Find out how you can still take care of yourself and lead a healthy lifestyle... #SnackBrighter

2. Learn to snack healthier - It's easy to get carried away when you finally have your appetite back, especially when you are nursing a newborn and it feels like they are taking all of your nutrition the second it hits your body... I'll be the first to admit I eat "lactation cookies" like they are going out of style. But I've also found ways to eat healthier versions of my favorite foods. Outshine Simply Yogurt bars and Outshine Fruit bars have become my daily ice cream fix. Whether I'm enjoying Outshine Fro-Yo bar first thing in the AM while reading a book and watching Lainey on her monitor or I'm having a Fruit bar as a midnight snack, I know I don't have to stress about counting calories... plus, they just taste better than other popsicles (so that's a total WIN)! Want to try the Outshine goodness for yourself and #SnackBrighter? You can find a location nearby you that carries the deliciousness here!

Life with a baby can be exhausting and chaotic, but so incredibly rewarding! Find out how you can still take care of yourself and lead a healthy lifestyle... #SnackBrighter

3. Increase your activity level slowly - Take it easy, let yourself get back into the swing of things at your own pace. While it's tempting to jump back into working out, you need to take it easy, as your doctor probably advised you. It's nice to go for a short walk with a newborn to get a little fresh air but be sure to listen to your body (and your intuition) and don't over do it!

Life with a baby can be exhausting and chaotic, but so incredibly rewarding! Find out how you can still take care of yourself and lead a healthy lifestyle... #SnackBrighter

4. Find sleeping arrangements that work for you - While co-sleeping isn't recommended, it's what has worked for us so far. I don't plan on always snuggling up with her in our bed and I often place her in her bassinet whenever she's napping or I'm pumping, etc. but sometimes she just needs to be held. It's easier while we are doing middle of the night nursing and I know we both cherish the skin-to-skin time as well. This tip is a sensitive topic but I know it's what is working for our family so I thought I'd share with you.

Life with a baby can be exhausting and chaotic, but so incredibly rewarding! Find out how you can still take care of yourself and lead a healthy lifestyle... #SnackBrighter

5. Be sure to take a moment and relax - Whether you're enjoying an Outshine Simply Yogurt bar on your back porch while watching your little one relax on the baby monitor... or you need to take a long hot shower, be sure to take some time for yourself. As a new mom, I didn't realize I was skipping showers until I finally got around to taking one after a few days of being sticky and smelly. It's like your whole world gets wrapped up in baby and while it's an amazing thing to experience, you need to be sure you are taking care of yourself first. Treat yourself, allow yourself a moment to breath deeply, and be sure to make sure you are clean - a shower may seem so insignificant, but sometimes it's just what I need to mellow out and be the best mama for Delainey I can be!

Life with a baby can be exhausting and chaotic, but so incredibly rewarding! Find out how you can still take care of yourself and lead a healthy lifestyle... #SnackBrighter

6. Invest in a new "mama friendly" wardrobe - If you are nursing, you'll want to buy yourself some nice nursing bras, a nursing tank top (or two), and of course, clothing that makes your breasts easily accessible. If you are hoping to achieve your pre-baby body in no time, I highly suggest looking into waist cinching undergarments as well. I know ot's easy to feel defeated when you try on your pre-baby clothing just after delivery, but give yourself time... it took you 9 months to put on the "baby weight", I suggest allowing yourself about half that time (if not longer) to lose it! In the mean time, buy yourself some waist cinching panties and a few new items of clothes that don't hug you as tightly and embrace the new curves!

Life with a baby can be exhausting and chaotic, but so incredibly rewarding! Find out how you can still take care of yourself and lead a healthy lifestyle... #SnackBrighter

7. Follow your intuition - If something doesn't feel right, then don't let it happen. Whether you aren't sure about your baby's new pediatrician and the way they manage their practice or you just know something isn't healing right during your recovery, don't be afraid to speak up. I haven't had either of these issues but I know it's good to listen to what my mama instinct is telling me. If your in-laws are sick and insist on coming over, remind them that you and your newborn are more vulnerable and that they need to stay away until you both have less weak immune systems.You have the power to make decisions so be sure to use that power and tell others that something is making you uncomfortable,

So tell me, are you a new mama too... or have you done this whole parenting thing before? I'd love to hear any advice you have to share on how to lead a healthy life with a newborn, leave me a comment telling me below!

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