October 26, 2017

Admitting The Truth & Four Steps Towards a Healthier Life for Me...

Thanks to Curves International for sponsoring today's post, regardless all opinions expressed below are completely my own. Are you ready to get #CurvesStrong?

I'm going to be frank with you all, I've gotten rather round around the middle lately. It's not something I'm particularly proud of, but it's the truth.

Now that I've admitted I'm getting a little round, let's get to the point - I'm doing something to change that... again. You may remember when I lost a good chunk of weight in 2015, before Delainey was in the picture and I documented some of that progress along the way... well, I'm doing the same thing again this year and I'm going to look fan-freakin'-tastic come winter/spring - that's my goal, anyways!

How do I plan on losing all this "extra"?


Step One: I just signed up with Curves and I'm beyond excited about it. I love that it's a ladies only gym that offers circuits, I can get in a quick work out a few times a week before my other half heads to work and I'm left to tackle daily duties by myself.

Are you ready to take on a new adventure and increase your strength while losing weight with me? Find out about Curves nearby you - I'm loving that it's all about no makeup, no men, and no mirrors! It's a gym without the drama and I'm loving the team-like atmosphere and the fact I'm in and out, feeling impowered, in just 30 minutes.

Step Two: I'm eating Keto.... well, kind of. I'm watching my macros and limiting my carbs and I'm already noticing a difference! You really are what you eat, my body proves that...  so my best advice to those looking to lose weight with me is to be mindful of your food choices!

Step Three: I'm snoozing more. Instead of staying up late to try and get in a Netflix binge or some extra work completed, I've made a real effort to get some extra zzZZz's and I think it's paying off. Sleep is important, yet sometimes I forget that.

Step Four, the final step: I'm staying accountable. I'm using an app on my phone to keep track of my calories burned and my caloric intake. I'm paying attention to the macros in my food and my friends and I are working out together - that way I'm forced into getting up and going to the gym... even on the days I don't want to.

And that's really all I plan on doing to lose some weight, but I'm certain it'll help. If you're interested in keeping me accountable then be sure to check out the blog over the next few weeks... and months, for dieting advice and maybe some updates on my progress along the way!

As I mentioned above, today's discussion was sponsored by Curves International, but the content and opinions expressed here are all my own.

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